I Think I Need Some Space
I painted this entire series at once. I've never done that before. It's always been one at a time. This project felt special. I had taken some time to marinate and breathe after "Honey From the Wound", aka "Boy Problems", and this is what came through. These paintings...

No Spectators
The Smithsonian American Art Museum's Renwick Gallery is hosting an exhibit on Burning Man culture, called "No Spectators", opening March 30th, and will run through January 21st. I am pleased to share that I will have a running stock of headpieces on show and...

April Workshop at CoSM
Would you like to make a headdress with me, and be surrounded by the magical art of Alex & Allison Grey, with a lovely community of people, on a beautiful property in upstate NY? Who wouldn't!? On April 20th-22nd, I will be teaching my third annual headdress...

Ka’s Feather Care Tips and Tricks
Feather Care Feathers are obviously delicate and fragile, but they are a lot more durable than you may think. These few tips will help keep your feathers vibrant and long-lasting for years to come. STEAM. This is the primary secret to great looking,...

Now in Brick and Mortar
Exciting news!!! The Serpentfeathers studio and gallery is now open to the public! I recently rented out a beautiful 850 sq. ft. studio in Asheville's River Arts District. Located in the historic Cotton Mill Studios building, the space boasts the original brick walls,...

Encinitas, CA Headdress Workshop
Join me in a beautiful palace in Encinas, CA, on March 31st & April 1st, 2018, for a headdress making workshop! I will be sharing my techniques in crafting crowns, and demonstrating how to work with a variety of materials, while encouraging...

Headdresses have arrived at Serpentfeathers!
No need to go all the way to Etsy to find out what kinds of fabulous flair I'm slinging. They're right here! https://www.serpentfeathers.com/shop/headdresses/. Most of my pieces are still up on Etsy, however I will likely be phasing out my Etsy shop,...

Angel Wing Feather Earrings
I just made some divine little angel wing earrings, and am excited to make them available in my shop! Each wing is constructed with small duck feathers, and capped with an ornate golden metal cone and bead. Each is set with a small moonstone cabochon, and hangs from a...

Check out My Patreon!
I just launched my Patreon page, and am loving it! This platform is amazing as it connects creatives and those who desire to support art in a way that is revolutionary. I get to share a lot of things I would never share here, or on social media, since it isn't public....

Holiday Shopping List, a few of Ka’s favorite things: for supporting small and local businesses
These are a few of my favorite things: Our strongest votes are cast with our dollars, so consider buying from small, independent businesses rather than dumping your hard earned cash into massive corporate pockets this holiday season. Keeping our money within...

Sonic Bloom 2016 with Deya Dova
What a joy it was to see so many of my beloved friends, dance and make merry in the Colorado Rockies. Sonic Bloom has always been one of my favorite events to be and to perform. I shared my art in the visionary gallery, and danced to one of my most loved musical...

LEAF Festival Performance May 2016
I had quite the journey at Lake Eden Arts Festival. I danced four separate numbers, on two nights and ran a merch booth for the first time ever, stocked with headdresses and prints of my art. It's safe to say I bit off more than I could chew, but somehow, and with the...

The Spirit in the Stones
The Spirit in the Stones The Lightning in our Bones Crying out in whispers We can hear the pulsing tones If we only stop to listen To what she has to say Ages worth of wisdom Will be shared with you today Photo by Von Wong Photography, Headdress & model Ka...

Winter Enchantment
When the leaves have fallen, And we stand bare, And splendor has crawled inside, Warming herself at the hearth of her heart, She finds herself in there. Going within, Under your skin, Hear the drumbeat in your chest. Dance to your dreams When everything seems To be...

The Aftermath
She flew down, to the rubbled ground, haunted by loss her breath the only sound. She, painted in red for the blood that was shed to make a few rich, so many lives bled. In search of a seed to fill this great need of a new way on Earth one free from greedHer spear...

Art Blankets!!
It's getting cooler outside, a refreshing break after the long scorching heat of summer, and I have the perfect way to stay warm, cozy and inspired. I've teamed up with Art Blankets Online, makers of fine woven heirloom blankets featuring the art of visionary masters....
Transition: New Music Video
Enjoy this beautiful video with music by Rigzin and Random Rab, featuring yours truly. May this song bring beauty to your day and peace to your spirit.

I became the canvas
I became the canvas And now I understand Surrender of being changed forever Under the artist's hand To be still, open and reverent To receive this artist's prayer Onto this tapestry of flesh My bones and spirit wear A profound dance of tantra Where skin and needle...

Immaculate Heart
Dear Woman, Your heart is immaculate, has always been. You were born this way, pure and perfect, free of sin. Daughter of Heaven, Mother of Mysteries, You are beauty given a body, love wrapped in skin, a fountain of wisdom. Pull the swords and daggers from your chest...

For the Love of Elephants
A dream come true: I have always wanted to find ways to generate much needed income for causes that I feel passionately about. I have teamed up with the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and Elephant Orphanage by auctioning my largest painting, to help the wild elephants...

Don't ask whether or not you have magical powers. Everyone has magical powers. What you should be asking is, "how will you use your magical powers." Original photo by Sequoia Emmanuelle Model: Chrysta Bell Headdress: Ka Amorastreya Dress: Black Lotus...

Holy Days
May the lights you see outside tonight, reflect the brilliant star of your own heart. Together we light up the World in twinkling splendor. May we shine with blazing Love, this season, and always. Happy Holy Days,KaOriginal photo by Sequoia Emmanuelle

Dark Beauty
Thank you, Dark Beauty, for publishing some photos from our shoot with Sequoia Emmanuelle. It is an honor. I am so happy to finally share these images with the world.

Out of Comfort and Into Greatness
In late August, I had an experience with a photographer that pushed me out of my comfort zone and into incredible pictures. His name is Benjamin Von Wong. His work is amazing. He turns photography into an extreme sport, using his engineering...

To Be Brave and Blossom
Be brave and blossom. It's safe to bloom, To unfurl your colors And take up room. It's time now, to open. It's okay. To show your tender petals To the light of day.It can be scary To open completely. We sometimes feel wary To unfold ourselves sweetly. But better to be...

The Moon
The moon said, "You wanna hear a joke?". "I'm listening.", I replied. "So, the 'dark side of the moon', as you call it, is just as bright as the side that you see." She continued,"It's just like your dark side. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean there's no...

Bless your Imagination
Bless your imagination. It is a great and most powerful gift. Whether you realize it or not, you create and destroy worlds within your mind, simply by what you bring forth in thought. Be vigilant, and do your best to imagine what you love, what you find beautiful, and...

Into the Abyss
I blow a kiss Into the abyss Where it's too dark to see Lurking in me I send letters of love To the hurts I have shoved Into the cracks Behind my backI offer flowers To the times I've disempowered Myself or another Sister or brotherI light a candle For the pain I...

The Spark
The vision is just the spark, the genius, the genie. It does no good staying nestled in its lamp. The real magic happens when we give it some elbow grease, refine and polish it. Then, Viola! We have our vision's wish granted. Original photo by sequoia Emmanuelle....

Wear your Heart
Wear your heart on your sleeve, show your strength to me. Unbridle your passion, so that your heart burns through your chest. Then you know, beyond all doubt, you are true, to yourself, to the All. Let your Phoenix heart rise, from the flames of pain, grief and...

Rise Above
Be extraordinary. We all have our doubts. We all have that voice that tells us we might not be good enough. Talk back. Engage the conversation. Say, "Watch me." Try anyway. You'll most likely surprise yourself with what you can do. Amaze yourself. Rise above the norm....

In the Dark
Only in the dark of night, can you see the stars, and in the brilliant light of the sun, will you cast your deepest shadows. Original photo by Mario Covic.

The Phoenix
The Phoenix- So they pushed you down, tore you up, told you to quit, called it shit. You believed them, The hate they spoke. The heart that broke, Made it hurt to go on. You questioned yourself. Why should I share, When people just tear Apart what I give? So you kept...

You are all You need to Be
Go inside yourself and see You are all you need to be.Trying to be like them is vain. To lose yourself is to go insane. Be gentle in there. Handle your heart with care. Make your inner speak a song, Especially if you feel wrong. Because those around you will end up...

The Skeleton Tree
She and the Skeleton Tree I love this tree Across the road from me stood tall and stark smooth white bark dotted with pits full of acorn bits some of which would sprout life bursting out of death and decay This is always the way Last fall it fell It was loud, I could...

Eternal Encore- a tribute to Michael Jackson
After over four years of working on this painting, it is finally complete! Unknowingly, I finished it during the fifth anniversary of Michael Jackson's passing. This is the story of the painting, "It's All About the L.O.V.E." I never knew much about Michael Jackson....

Liberation Movement
I have been honored to dance with Liberation Movement in multiple performances now, and I must say, it is an incredible, ceremonial journey each time. Grant Chambers and Sasha Rose collaborate with Amazonian shamans to bring forth the medicine of the rainforest...

Learned Something New
I recently completed a weekly still life painting course at Sadie Valerie Atelier in San Francisco. Sadie is a masterful classical artist, teaching indirect oil painting and still life. This was a fun and challenging experience. I'm so glad I...
Interview with Marya Stark
I recently had the honor of being interviewed by the beautiful and talented musical muse, Marya Stark. To get a deeper look into how I grew into my creative unfurling, read the interview here: Interview of Ka Amorastreya by Marya Stark If you like the article, make...
Serpentfeathers Etsy Shop
Finally, I have opened my Etsy store! For the first time, some of my headdresses and hair pieces are available for sale to the public. In the past I have mostly worked on private commissions, which I still love to do, but this time I decided to bust out a few pieces...

Sol Purpose Interview
I was recently blessed and challenged to answer some beautifully potent questions for an interview. This is the first time I have ever taken the time to pour my heart out about my art, my dance, my life and how I walk in the world. Thank you Aluna and Ehren for giving...
A blessed soul
A blessed soul knows peace. A cursed soul knows suffering. Let us lift the curses we have placed on one another and ourselves, bless each other and ourselves, so that we all may know peace and move on from our suffering.
Beauty’s Witness
Does the elusive flower decide to not bloom because there is no one there to tell her how beautiful she is? Does she forget to unleash her fragrance because no one will ever venture far enough to smell her essence? Beauty needs no external witness or validation to...

This new painting, Communion was completed as we wrapped up the year 2011. This piece began years ago, at a festival with Even Oldridge of Divine Reflections. He offered to collaborate, and I gladly accepted. He photographed me embodied, then with...
The best Chocolate Truffles in the World
As promised, here is a shout out to the ever lovely, magical alchemista, Caitlin Naramore. Her exquisite, complex, and utterly delicious chocolate truffles are.... well.. they are so good, that upon having one melt across your tongue, you will find your eyes are...

Serpentfeathers En Vogue
Burning Man 2010 was ultimately my best burn ever. Just having returned from Boom Festival in Portugal, and after 2009's burn leaving me feeling bruised, jaded and .. well, burned, I had already made up my mind to not go. Last minute, talked into it by the...
Return of the Bird Tribes
An incredible book by Ken Carey. My friends have been trying to get me to read it for years. It blew my mind... and my heart. How could so much of my soulful expression be already written down and published in a book? Reading it, I saw so many of my heartsongs...
Welcome to the SerpentFeathers Galleries
In the vast expansive landscapes of west Texas, Kathryn “Ka” June embarked upon her artistic journey discovering an avid interest in creative expression through various forms. After her schooling, she pursued the healing arts and worked as an energetic and massage...